Bíó Eldfjall
Bíó Eldfjall
Grjótagjá, Iceland
Landeigendur Voga ehf
Buildner Architecture Competitions
Shortlisted proposal, 2022
Cinema, café and exhibition space
422 m2
55 seat theatre
Project team
Kayrokh Moattar
Frantisek Orth
Niels Pettersson Sandmark
Emiline Elangovan
A large mirror rises from the rocky earth, projecting a reflection of a mountain range onto the majestic Hverfjall volcano. You capture this surreal scene at the Focal Point, a spot that is carefully positioned such that all that is visible to you is mirror, mountain and sky.
As you take the Path of Reflections towards the mirror, the gradual turn in the path offers a multitude of angles to view shifting reflections of the landscape. At certain points you even catch glimpses of the distinct Hlíðarfjall peak.
An angular form slowly unfolds along the Path of Reflections revealing a pavilion that was previously hidden from sight. You encounter the ruggedness of charred wood followed by a second reflection, this time that of the Grjótagjá fissure captured on a glazed surface.
Site Plan
1. Focal Point
2. Path of Reflections
3. Entrance to Cinema
4. Parking
5. Grjótagjá Cave Parking
Grjótagjá, Iceland
Landeigendur Voga ehf
Buildner Architecture Competitions
Shortlisted proposal, 2022
Cinema, café and exhibition space
422 m2
55 seat theatre
Project team
Kayrokh Moattar
Frantisek Orth
Niels Pettersson Sandmark
Emiline Elangovan
A large mirror rises from the rocky earth, projecting a reflection of a mountain range onto the majestic Hverfjall volcano. You capture this surreal scene at the Focal Point, a spot that is carefully positioned such that all that is visible to you is mirror, mountain and sky.
As you take the Path of Reflections towards the mirror, the gradual turn in the path offers a multitude of angles to view shifting reflections of the landscape. At certain points you even catch glimpses of the distinct Hlíðarfjall peak.
An angular form slowly unfolds along the Path of Reflections revealing a pavilion that was previously hidden from sight. You encounter the ruggedness of charred wood followed by a second reflection, this time that of the Grjótagjá fissure captured on a glazed surface.
Site Plan
1. Focal Point
2. Path of Reflections
3. Entrance to Cinema
4. Parking
5. Grjótagjá Cave Parking
1. The North facade of the pavillion is a reflective surface that mirrors the stunning landscape.
2. The Path of Reflections offers a variety of views reflected on the mirror facade at different angles.
3. A room for reflection presents exhibitions on retractable panels that can be stowed above when not in use.
4. The southwest facade is glazed, allowing visitors to reflect upon the iconic Grjótagjá and Hverfjall.
5. The building is oriented towards the center of Hverfjall.
1. The pavillion takes its form from the cinematic
projection cone.
2. The Focal Point marks the furthest spot in the
site that offers the illusion of the mirror surface
cast onto the centre of Hverfjall.
3. From the View Point, features in front of the
mirror facade are visible
4. The rest of the building and parking are hidden
in the shaded area to provide unobstructed views
of the landscape from the Focal Point
1. The North facade of the pavillion is a reflective surface that mirrors the stunning landscape.
2.The Path of Reflections offers a variety of views reflected on the mirror facade at different angles.
3. A room for reflection presents exhibitions on retractable panels that can be stowed above when not in use.
4. The southwest facade is glazed, allowing visitors to reflect upon the iconic Grjótagjá and Hverfjall.
5. The building is oriented towards the center of Hverfjall.
1. The pavillion takes its form from the cinematic projection cone.
2.The Focal Point marks the furthest spot in the site that offers the illusion of the mirror surface cast onto the centre of Hverfjall.
3. From the View Point, features in front of the mirror facade are visible.
4. The rest of the building and parking are hidden in the shaded area to provide unobstructed views of the landscape from the Focal Point.